#coolstuff, who dis?

january 24, 2021

So much change has happened since I last published something here. I moved from Portland, Oregon back to southern California, down to sunny San Diego. Honestly, I’ve been feeling dragged down by lots of turmoil and large issues in the world and in my country, definitely NOT #coolstuff.

Hopefully, writing more here will help me lighten the mental load I carry right now, and re-examine my thought patterns through the #coolstuff lens, because there is always something #coolstuff to find in your immediate environment and I know that I want to find it more easily, everytime.

july 25, 2019

I’m pretty pumped on a few things right now.

I’m pumped about learning to manage my time better to express myself in writing more often and more explicitly in general. I have a bunch of shit that I want to make some headway on, a lot of it is technical web-dev shit, other stuff is more personal shit like intentional and focused expression.

july 10, 2019

I’ve been thinking that I want to make more paintings again. I think it would be kinda cool to go into a super techie direction with like a bunch of conspiracy-type material. Yeah, like a silhouette of Sasquatch on a whole painting of a computer terminal app full of binary code or some random JSON data with the classic green-on-black color scheme, some straight up #hacker shit

hacker shit

What else could be cool? I also like Roman and MesoAmerican stuff, I could probably work that in too. But I am in the PNW, so maybe that stuff can get in line behind Sassy the Sasquatch.

- also -

I also want to do more writing, a little more reflection, more Rust programming, speak more Spanish and Portuguese, and reading and studying. I, like other people with several interests, often feel that there aren’t enough motivated hours in a day to do it all. But that’s because I want to do it all today, and that’s just not feasible, is it?

I keep this quote in mind:

“It’s easy to underestimate what can be done in a year, and easy to estimate what can be accomplished in a week.”

That’s probably not how it really goes, and I also don’t know who gets credit for it, so I pretty much just made it up right now.

Maybe I should just give credit for every quote to the internet itself.

july 5, 2019

I have ideas about stuff, and people seem to like them a lot of the times, so I decided to renew this domain name and write them here sometimes.

It’s gonna be a really casual blog, where there’s next to no post-editing, and I’ll pretty much write how I pretty much talk and text haha. That doesn’t mean I’ll always bring the formality down, sometimes a string of ten dollar words is just the right tool for the job.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy something out of all this.

You can trust that I’m having fun writing it either way.