about #coolstuff

#coolstuff is about just that, cool stuff. We all fit things into different categories and concepts and ideas and things like that or whatever, but when it comes down to it there’s two boxes that almost everything fits into: the label on one says #coolstuff and the other box just doesn’t have a label.

The stuff to do here is to:

  • celebrate the stuff that’s in #coolstuff already
  • also parse through the unlabeled box for parts of things and people and places and situations and memories that are actually #coolstuff worthy and put them in that box where they belong
  • and just let the rest of everything just kinda chill right there until we decide to parse it again for more #coolstuff

My #coolstuff box has things like:

  • simplifying, organizing ideas, and decluttering stuff (all kinds of stuff) like even my ideas about things in my own life
  • positive, fun, enjoyable social interactions of all types
  • not taking myself too seriously
  • making soup, almost weekly
  • writing code for work, and for fun
  • writing ideas down for other people and for future-me
  • good food and wine and beer and music and times shared amongst friends
  • Brazilian jiujitsu
  • having fun
  • being a goof
  • taking a deep breathe, taking in the moment, and saying out loud, “Ahh, this is nice!”
  • spreading the gospel of yerba mate
  • different sorts of nerdy history stuff (I blame my college degree)
  • music from around the world
  • sunshine and warm weather
  • making jokes
  • laughing
  • inside jokes
  • practicing things to get better at them, and also practicing things just because
  • feeling good in life, just being alive
  • pumping up people around me to do and figure out their own #coolstuff
  • fun stuff of all kinds
  • imaginative ideas and practices
  • personal expression